Öznam Makine

Product Code : OZ-OAD-300

After the boxes given to the feeding unit move on the conveyor, they enter the conveyor again after the liquid filling valve closure and gas filling processes, which are all in one unit, and then they are packed in the accumulation area next to the feeding unit and become ready for shipment.

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Optional machines that can be added to the line;

  1. Automatic Valve Ejector Machine and Drum
  2. Automatic Inkjet Coding Machine
  3. Automatic Activator Inserting Machine
  4. Automatic Capping Machine
Gas Pressure 8 Bar
Air Pressure 8-10 Bar
Production Capacity: 25-30 Ad. (200 ML)
Air Consumption: 1500 lt/min
Total Length 5,5 Meter
Electrical Properties: 220V – 1 Kw